Struggling to conceive? Consider the possibility of undergoing these fertility tests

Baby's squealing at home is a happy moment for every parent, but even today many couples desperately want this moment. Every year in India, about 2 Million people struggle with problems like infertility and miscarriage. The reason is clear, in this fast-changing world, no one knows when a person, being surrounded by stress and anxiety, starts adding bad habits (smoking and alcohol) to his sedentary lifestyle. And this has a direct impact on his health. Apart from this, one of the reasons for not being able to conceive is a lack of physical activity. This kind of problem is not only found in women but also the men. If you are struggling to conceive? Then you will have to consider fertility tests. You will also know about the Best IVF center in Gurgaon, where you can get fertility tests done.  

What is fertility testing?

When a woman repeatedly fails to conceive or is facing the problem of miscarriage, then fertility testing is done as a diagnostic test. With the help of this test, the cause of infertility problem in a woman is detected, after which treatment is done as per that problem so that the woman can conceive successfully. According to a report from the United Nations, India's fertility rate is decreasing yearly.

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When is the right time for fertility testing?

You have been trying to conceive for a year but you are not succeeding. In this situation, you should get a fertility test done so that at least you can know the problem. Apart from this, if the age of the woman is around 35 then she can get the fertility test done after 6 months of trying to conceive. If you are also facing such a problem, then you can get it treated at the TopIVF center in Gurgaon. You will get the best treatment. Before coming to any conclusion, first, consult an experienced doctor and the Best IVF doctor in Delhi. Also, if you are ready for the treatment then IVF cost in Delhi is also pocket friendly.

What fertility tests are available, and the testing process

  • Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Test – Through this test, found out what and how much amount of follicle-stimulating hormone is there in the blood. The presence of follicle-stimulating hormone in the blood works to increase ovarian follicle development. High FSH levels indicate a decline in ovarian reserve, and it’s a matter of concern.

  • AMH (Anti-Müllerian Hormone) Test – With the help of this test the amount of AMH present in the blood is measured. In men and women, AMH is produced by the testicles and ovaries, which help make glands, sperm and hormones.

  • LH (Luteinizing Hormone) Test – Luteinizing hormone acts as a chemical messenger in your bloodstream. It also controls the activities of some cells or organs. LH plays an important role in sexual development in children and fertility in adults.

  • TSH (Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone) Test – When TSH is unbalanced, it directly affects ovulation, menstrual cycle, pregnancy and reproduction. Additionally, the TSH test is used to find out how well your thyroid is working.

  • SIS (Saline Infusion Sonogram) Test – With the help of this test the inside of the uterus can be seen. This is a safe method and a very effective option to find out the problems inside the uterus. In this process, sound waves and computers are used to create images.


Not being able to conceive with time is no longer a problem, the problem is to know the real reason why it is becoming difficult to conceive. Today, with the miracle of science, this is also possible, but one thing that needs to be kept in mind is that if the treatment is done on time then it is fine, otherwise it becomes more difficult to conceive with increasing time. The good thing is that a woman can become a mother by the age of 37 without any medical help and there is a 78% probability of this.

If you are also facing such a problem and you do not understand what to do, then its treatment is available at the IVF center in Gurgaon.

Nothing in this world satisfies any parent more than the smile of their child. There are many fertility test options available in the market today and these tests give you better results. In any IVF center, the cause of the problem is known and then it is treated.


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