What can be the causes of fibroids/lumps in the uterus and its treatment?

What can be the causes of neoplasm/lump in the uterus and its treatment? Very few of you might have heard about Rasouli. Getting pregnant is no less than an ordeal for a woman because it has been found that the problem of uterine fibroids occurs due to the increase in estrogen hormone. If you are also struggling with the problem of infertility, then you can get it treated at the Best IVF center in Delhi.

The estrogen hormone works to increase sex hormones in the body. In such a situation, if the estrogen hormone in the body is low then the problem of fibroids can go away, but there may be difficulty in conceiving. The problem of fibroids is generally found in women who have excess estrogen. What can be the causes of neoplasm/lump in the uterus and its treatment? However, some questions remain, like what are fibroids, causes of fibroids and what is the treatment of fibroids?

Let us know what could be the causes of the tumour/lump in the uterus and its treatment.

What is fibroids

Fibroids are a common type of tumour that is located in the muscles of the uterus. Usually, when there is more than one lump in the uterine muscles, the problem of fibroids occurs. Simply put, a fibroid is a common type of noncancerous tumour that grows in your uterus. Not all types of fibroid tumours will cause symptoms, but when fibroid tumours grow in the uterine muscles, you will experience symptoms such as heavy menstrual bleeding, back pain, frequent urination, and pain during sex.

If the fibroids/lumps are small then there is no problem but if the size of the neoplasm increases then you may have to undergo medicine or surgery. Once a tumour occurs, it remains in the body even after menopause.

Types of fibroids

There are several types of fibroids. The difference between them depends on where in the uterus they are located, and what they are associated with. Women who suffer from obesity are more likely to suffer from fibroids.

  • Intramural fibroids

  • Submucosal fibroids

  • Subserosal fibroid

  • Pedunculated fibroids

Cause of fibroids

We also told you above that this type of problem occurs due to an increase in estrogen hormone in a woman. This type of problem is mostly found in women who have excessive estrogen. The problem of fibroids in a woman occurs between the ages of 25 to 40. However, apart from this, there are many other reasons due to which the problem of fibroids in the uterus occurs. The causes of fibroids are as follows:

Hormones – Estrogen and progesterone hormones play a major role in causing fibroids. The problem of fibroids occurs due to an increase in these hormones. The work of the neoplasm is to absorb estrogen and progesterone hormones due to which the size of the neoplasm increases more than before.

Genetic – The problem of neoplasm is genetic in most of the cases. If any woman in your family already has this problem, then it is possible that you too may have it.

Other reasons – such as

  • Weight loss,

  • Having periods at a young age,

  • Excessive consumption of meat and alcohol,

  • Use of contraceptive medicines,

  • Decrease in the amount of Vitamin D in the body.

Symptoms of fibroids

Usually, you do not notice any symptoms for small lumps/fibroids, and hence small fibroids do not require treatment, but when the tumour grows, you will start seeing symptoms. Some symptoms have been mentioned above. For example, recurring recurrences occur when a tumour puts pressure on your bladder. Following are several such symptoms:

  • Pain during sex.

  • Pain in lower back.

  • Long-term (chronic) vaginal discharge.

  • Constipation or a feeling of pressure on your rectum.

  • The feeling of pain or swelling in the lower abdomen.

  • Excessive or painful bleeding during and between menstruation.

  • Inability to urinate or empty the bladder.

  • Increased abdominal distension (enlargement), which makes your stomach look pregnant.

Uterine fibroids during pregnancy

Even a small tumour located in the uterus causes a lot of harm during pregnancy. After conception, as the fetus grows during pregnancy, the neoplasm also grows. In the initial months, the tumour grows very rapidly, due to which there is pain and bleeding. In such a situation, you may also have to be admitted to the hospital. Sometimes the fibroid grows on the side or below the cervix (the narrow lower end of the womb that connects the uterus to the vagina), which then blocks the birth canal and replaces a normal delivery to take out the baby. But C-section is used.

If you also want to get treatment for the problem of infertility, then the IVF cost in Delhi is going to be reasonable for you, and an offer is also available on getting the treatment done at Baby Joy IVF Center.

Treatment of fibroids

There are many options available to treat fibroids.

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist – A type of treatment called GRHA, after this treatment it affects the sex hormone i.e. estrogen in the body. After which the amount of estrogen reduces, after which the problem of fibroids gets eliminated. Apart from this, GRHA can also affect and stop menstruation, and the best thing is that this treatment does not affect reproduction. Usually, after this kind of problem, people are afraid of surgery but you can think about this treatment option.

Levonorgestrel Intrauterine System – In this treatment, a plastic device is inserted inside the uterus, after which levonorgestrel progesterone starts being produced from that plastic. With the help of this progesterone, rapid changes in the uterus can be stopped. This treatment removes the problem of bleeding but due to its side effects, problems like irregularity in the menstrual cycle, change in the shape of breasts, headache and acne on the face can occur.

Contraceptive pills – It is said that you can use contraceptive pills as a treatment for fibroids. It has been found that birth control pills control the ovulation cycle. However, sometimes birth control pills do not work for fibroids, in which case you may want to consider other treatment options.

Through surgery – The most complex and last resort to eliminate fibroids is surgery. However, surgery depends on the nature of the neoplasm.

Myomectomy – If you want to become a mother in the future then you can choose this surgery option. In this surgical procedure, the fibroid is removed from the wall of the uterus, but remember that this treatment option is not suitable for all fibroids.

Hysterectomy – If there is excessive bleeding from the uterus then the size of the tumour is large. This treatment option is used in such situations. In the process of this surgery, the uterus is taken out by cutting the stomach, along with which the tumour is also taken out.


A fibroid is a non-cancerous tumour that grows in the uterus, and the main cause of the fibroid is the hormone estrogen. Due to its growth in the body, there is a problem of neoplasia. To treat fibroids, you can choose between medicines, hormonal therapy and surgery. For better treatment, it becomes important that you contact your doctor. If you are also struggling with the problem of infertility, then you can get it treated at the Best IVF center in Delhi.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q.1. What to do if there is a uterine tumour?

Answer- If there is a tumor in the uterus, then you are left with only two options, first is medicine and second is surgery. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GARH) treatment will reduce estrogen and progesterone hormones in the body, after which the neoplasm gradually disappears.

Q.2. What should one eat when having a tumour?

Answer- You can consume Amla. The antioxidants, fibre, and vitamin C present in it prove to be helpful in the treatment of tumours. By consuming it, the aggravation of the issue of fibroids can be prevented.

Q.3. How does neoplasm cause pain?

Answer: Pain in the fibroid means pain in the uterus. If the size of the tumor is large then there will be more pain than usual and bleeding will also occur. In such cases, you may also have to go to the hospital.

Q.4. How to remove uterine fibroids without surgery?

Answer- If you do not want to undergo surgery then no problem, you can solve the problem of neoplasm by using medicine.

Q.5. What is another name for Rasauli?

Answer: Uterine fibroids, also known as fibroids, are a common problem in the uterus of women. This is a type of uterine lump, which develops inside the uterus of women.


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