Understanding the Importance of Folic Acid in Pregnancy by Best IVF Centre in Delhi

Bringing a new life into the world is a miraculous journey, one that requires careful attention to both the mother's health and the baby's development. In this voyage, certain nutrients play a pivotal role, and among them, folic acid stands out as a superhero for the well-being of both the mother and the growing fetus. Now, with the help of the
Best IVF Centre in Delhi, let's delve into the significance of folic acid in pregnancy and why it's often hailed as a vital component for a healthy pregnancy.

The Foundation of Folic Acid

According to the Best IVF Centre, folic acid, a synthetic form of vitamin B9, is an unsung hero in the world of prenatal care. Its significance lies in its ability to prevent neural tube defects (NTDs) in the developing fetus. Neural tube defects are serious conditions that affect the brain, spine, or spinal cord and can occur in the early stages of pregnancy, often before a woman is even aware she's pregnant.

Crucial Timings

As per the IVF Centre in Delhi, the importance of folic acid begins even before conception. Ideally, women planning to become pregnant should start taking folic acid supplements at least one month before conception. This early intervention significantly reduces the risk of neural tube defects. Since the neural tube forms within the first 28 days of pregnancy, often before a woman knows she's pregnant, this periconceptional supplementation is critical.

Beyond Neural Tube Defects

While folic acid's role in preventing neural tube defects is widely recognized, its influence extends far beyond this critical aspect. IVF Centre says that adequate folic acid intake is associated with a lower risk of other congenital abnormalities, such as cleft lip and palate. Furthermore, it contributes to the formation of DNA, the genetic material that guides the development of the baby's cells.

Maternal Benefits

The Top IVF Centre states that benefits of folic acid aren't limited to the baby; the mother also reaps rewards. During pregnancy, a woman's blood volume increases, and folic acid aids in the production of new red blood cells, preventing a type of anemia that is particularly common in pregnant women. Additionally, folic acid supports the placenta and helps prevent preeclampsia, a condition characterized by high blood pressure and potential organ damage.

Food Sources vs. Supplements

While folic acid can be obtained from a variety of foods such as leafy green vegetables, fortified cereals, and legumes, it is often challenging to get the recommended amount through diet alone. Therefore, healthcare providers typically recommend a daily folic acid supplement to ensure that pregnant women receive an adequate and consistent dosage.

Overcoming Challenges

Despite the clear benefits, some women may face challenges in incorporating folic acid into their prenatal routine. This could be due to morning sickness, dietary restrictions, or financial constraints. In such cases, open communication with healthcare providers is crucial. They can provide alternatives, suggest suitable dietary modifications, or recommend affordable supplement options.


According to the Centre for IVF, in the grand tapestry of prenatal care, folic acid emerges as a thread of paramount importance. Its influence on the prevention of neural tube defects, coupled with its role in maternal well-being, makes it a non-negotiable component of a healthy pregnancy. Whether obtained through a balanced diet or supplements, ensuring an adequate intake of folic acid is a simple yet powerful way to contribute to the flourishing of life within the womb. As we celebrate the miracle of life, let's also celebrate the small but mighty folic acid, a nutrient that plays a monumental role in nurturing the next generation.

Discover unparalleled fertility care at the Best IVF Centre in Delhi, combining cutting-edge technology and compassionate expertise. Experience top-tier services at an affordable and Best IVF Cost in Delhi, ensuring your journey to parenthood is seamless.


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